Fort Arts Council Board Meeting
October 18th, 2017 Cafe Carpe 6:30 pm Agenda Welcome and Introductions (Angie Szabo) Present: Mary Pratt, Angie Szabo, Kirsten Mortimer, Cassie Rains, Sally Koehler, Christine Heusnner Yaeger, Barbara Lorman, Karl Fox Approval of minutes from July meeting(Kirsten Mortimer) -Schomer Lichtner needs to update spelling moving forward -Need to note those in attendance moving forward Move to approve-Sally, seconded Kirsten, passed Treasurer’s Report (Kirsten Mortimer) -Balance: $18,551 -Received: Lions club, Batterman Grant (restricted), private donation in honor of the Nord family, -Expenses: membership to artists WI, paid Sally Koehler for her sculpture Move to approve-Barb, seconded Christine, passed Old Business: Donated Sculpture (Welding Rodeo) and Our Lady Update (Sally Koehler):
-no updates Batterman Grant Update for Market Square improvements (Lori Compas, Cynthia Holt, Angie Szabo, Leslie LaMuro):
Mural on Barrie Park Bathroom space (Cassie Rains, Leslie LaMuro, Sally Koehler): Sally Koehler went and got dimensions for the space. Beyond that things have not progressed. -Initially wanted to do a mosaic, Pete Weston did not think it would be a good space for it -Then went into painted mural idea, Sally created a visual plan of the space -Contemplated making it a design contest for the space -Would like to do something community based prior to the band concert -Possibly do a residency - Committee Reports: Jessica Holt Scholarship (Cynthia Holt): Updated application will be ready for seniors in December. Goal is still $1000. Cynthia will be trying to raise these funds from family/friends. Would FAC consider also supporting a portion? -We have done it in the past, so we felt comfortable -Sally Moved to designate $250 towards the JHS fund. Anything in excess of the $1000 scholarship would be retained for future years in restricted funds. Seconded by Kirsten. Passed Schomer Lichtner (Ann Engelman): -Originally 20-25 pieces -Many pieces framed and up at the Library and the FAC -7-8 Prints left that we could sell -Large posters and framed pieces need to be hung yet -The Hoard Museum has taken two framed and signed digital prints -Three Large Scale prints of red and white cows which could be sold. We would like to hold an event at the museum to do a silent auction with minimum bid. 50/50 split in profits. However, we need to have someone to take the lead in these sales. -Hospital housing prints has not gone forward as it became too complicated -Moving along slowly but surely -Grace Chosey is a good contact for this set Website update (Cassie Rains): -Need featured artists info, as well as any other sections you’d like added. -Cassie will designate the information she would like for the featured artist page and then we will send it out to our members -All other information is up and running well. -Will work on a link to become a membership through the website Membership (?): -Need to run a membership drive and mailing (as well as emailing) -Asked for a volunteer: Christine volunteered. YAY CHRISTINE! -Need to add a corporate membership to our categories -corporate sponsorship on the webpage and signage to hang in window -return on investment everytime an art event happen in this town -tabled for membership committee to decide -suggestions for $25-100, and need to do research to see what is possible/reasonable (chamber) Farmers Market Art Project funding (Cynthia Holt): -(Tile Project) This project has been put on hold to align with the overall Market Square Design process. - Puppet Project (Sally)-it is done, Lisa Kotz donated time to sew the garment. Puppet parade is on for 10am at Pocket Park this Saturday. One large puppet of mother earth, smaller puppets for others New Business: Mural Committee (Angie)
Upcoming Art Shows: 1: Earth Wood and Fire Tour: October 27th and 28th 2: Black Hawk Artists Show: Opening November 5th from 1-4 at the Hoard Museum 3: Other shows or upcoming events of interest? Other: Next meetings: January 17(Annual Meeting), April 18 -Executive Comm. and Committee Chairs meet Wednesday, January 3rd 6:30pm on Cafe Carpe -Kirsten will check if library has been reserved -Presentation Style meeting.
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